June 28, 2011

Homemade Yogurt

Wow, where has time gone? As I sit here and finally give this blog some much needed attention I realize how behind I am in the blog world. Pregnancy has really got the best of me lately, and I have not taken any time to journal my cooking adventures, let alone post a new blog entry, my apologies for being so lazy.. I now have only 5 weeks left in my pregnancy (can you believe it?!) and am sure as Adlai enters the world, my time will be even that much more limited. Guess I need to do so much needed time management organizing. 

I have started doing a lot of little DIY projects, and am thinking about doing a new section of the blog featuring some of these..What do you think? 

In my last post I mentioned the SCD diet we were going to start, and I am sad to say that with lots of traveling and lack of dedication, we have not stuck to the diet perfectly, although we try to do our best. The good news is toby did notice a difference for the 2 weeks we followed it rigidly, but we decided not to stick to it perfectly because it required a LOT of time and effort into preparing meals, and honestly I did not have the energy or time to follow it perfectly. We do try to stick to eating Gluten-Free, and I eat a diet with no refined sugar (Someone can't seem to get rid of his soda..ahmm). All in all, the diet is amazing, works great, and is well worth the effort if you are willing to be dedicated. I hope in the near future (once I can stand on my feet for a few hours without feeling like crying) we will get back on track, but until then we do our best to eat as close to it as we can, and as healthy as we possibly can. This recipe for homemade yogurt is SCD friendly, and really easy to make. I still make a batch every week, and love having homemade yogurt to snack on. The major benefit with this yogurt is that you are eliminating all refined sugars, as well as getting rid of all harmful bacteria, making it easier to digest. Definitely something worth trying!

Homemade Yogurt
I used this specific recipe because after trying a few methods, this seemed to give me the best results, and is still SCD friendly. I did not use a yogurt starter, instead used the best organic plain yogurt I could find. Just make sure it has Live & Active cultures...

Recipe can be found HERE

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see your new baby Miss! Praying for you and YES! I want to see all of these DIY projects you're tackling. I love it!
